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A Beautiful Dua

Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem

O Allah you are the forgiver. Only you can give us the good and evilness of this world. All fate good and bad comes from you. O Allah you are the one and only, there is nothing more powerful and better than you. You are the only one that provides us with everything in this world, only you give life and cause death. O Allah protect us from the fire of hell and grant us jannah.


O Allah grant every one that is in the process of becoming a hafiz the strength and ability to complete the Qur’an with ease.


Ya Allah you are the one that protects everyone and everything. You are trustworthy, ya Allah you are the one that gives life and causes death so please give my siblings and I a very long and happy life together now and in the years to come.


Ya Allah you have granted me with wonderful parents. O Allah give them a happy future together and grant them more strength and ease to do things in their coming years. Ya Allah help me to look after them how they looked after me when I was young.


O Allah you have granted me with an amazing family and relatives. Ya Allah grant us more blessings in the family and give everyone good luck with everything they do in the future and inshallah they will succeed.


Ya Allah bless all of my school teachers and masjid teachers, irrespective of their race, religion, creed or colour. The way they have taught me will help me to succeed in my exams and also help me to get a good job. Ya Allah grant my teachers loads and loads of blessings because of all the effort that they put in their teaching.
